Landrover 300 Tdi timing belt
Do you have a Landrover Defender or Discovery with a 300 Tdi engine?, if so the timing belt should be changed every 60, 000 km in the tropics. Below are photo’s of a timing belt that broke. Notice the broken rockers, stripped teeth on the inside of the belt and width of the belt. The width of the belt is actually half it’s original size.
- Landrover series 1 engine
- A Mechanic’s Lament
How often should the pulleys be changed ?
Philip T
Good morning Philip, the timing belt and timing belt components on the Landrover 300 tdi should be changed every 60, 000 km in tropical conditions.
Thanks, I changed the belt recently but not the pulleys thinking two belts to one set of pulleys however am quite OK to change all at the same time..
It’s been a good engine (300Tdi) having now done 432000 kms reliably, uses 1 litre oil between oil changes every 10000 kms.
Philip T.
Good morning Philip, yes the 300 tdi is a very reliable engine. We have a few customers with about 900, 000 km on the clock.